Preparation for the Future

preparation for the future icon
Preparation for the future brings together two threads: 1) the student’s own future, specifically pathways and careers that involve computing in some respect and 2) emerging technologies, including their societal implications and ethical issues. The inclusion of this Topic Area aligns with a major priority of convening participants and marks a shift from some existing CS standards and frameworks.


Level Learning Outcome
Remember PF.1 – Identify pathways and careers that involve computing
Understand PF.2 – Explain how computing enables emerging technologies (e.g., autonomous vehicles) and how these emerging technologies are applied in various industries
Apply PF.3 – Apply computing concepts to other disciplines (e.g., investigate how to collect, process, and analyze heart rate sensor data in physical education)
PF.4 – Apply principles of inclusive collaboration when using emerging technologiesIC
Analyze PF.5 – Examine how emerging technologies are impacting a variety of practices (e.g., use of facial recognition in policing, AI-generated news products)
PF.6 – Analyze emerging technologies using computational thinking principlesCT
Evaluate PF.7 – Assess societal impacts and related ethical issues of emerging and future developments in computing (e.g., the impact of quantum computing on security)IE
PF.8 – Evaluate the use of emerging technologies (e.g., generative AI) for accuracy and to meet specific needsIE
Create PF.9 – Develop a personal career plan that highlights the use of computing
PF.10 – Create a plan to apply an emerging technology to meet a need using principles of human-centered designHCD

In the topic area tables, we use a system of superscripts to indicate which Pillars relate to which learning outcome: 

  • Computational Thinking → CT
  • Human-Centered Design → HCD
  • Inclusive Collaboration → IC
  • Impacts and Ethics → IE


Impacts and Ethics Inclusive Collaboration Computational Thinking Human-Centered Design Dispositions
  • Consider the potential for future misuse of an application
  • Explore how technology impacts interpersonal relationships
  • Work collaboratively with diverse and distributed teams
  • Follow best practices for accessibility and universal design
  • Understand the components of emerging technologies
  • Recognize how the principles of CT can be applied across a variety of fields
  • Use empathy to meet users’ needs
  • Explore how design may change due to future innovations
  • Leverage resourcefulness to be flexible in the face of future changes
  • Understand the qualities needed for success in CS careers
Reimagining CS Pathways: High School and Beyond