Computing Systems and Security

computing systems and security icon
Computing systems and security includes the broad categories of hardware, software, troubleshooting, networks, and cybersecurity, as well as the idea that systems have multiple levels or layers that impact each other. The increased interconnectedness of large systems and their impact on safety and security underscore the importance of this Topic Area.


Level Learning Outcome
Remember CS.1 – Identify various types of hardware (including components) and software (including operating systems)
CS.2 – List security practices (e.g., safe passwords, two-factor authentication)
Understand CS.3 – Explain what networks (including the Internet) are and how they work
CS.4 – Explain how an operating system, other software, and hardware work together
CS.5 – Describe why cybersecurity is important
Apply CS.6 – Optimize operating systems and other software settings to achieve goals
CS.7 – Apply knowledge of the structure and function of various technologies (e.g., sensors, global positioning system (GPS), embedded/IoT, phones/tablets, medical devices, VR, robotics) to their use (e.g., explain why GPS can be used without Internet access)
CS.8 – Use documentation and other resources to guide tasks such as installation and troubleshooting
CS.9 – Apply principles of inclusive collaboration to a project involving computing systems and/or securityIC
Analyze CS.10 – Describe vulnerabilities in networks
CS.11 – Analyze a problem to determine appropriate troubleshooting strategies
CS.12 – Use computational thinking principles to analyze a computing systemCT (e.g., automate a security assessment)
Evaluate CS.13 – Assess societal impacts of networks and related ethical issues (e.g., digital divide)IE
Create CS.14 – Design projects that combine hardware and software that collect and exchange data
CS.15 – Design a computing system or security protocol using principles of human-centered designHCD

In the topic area tables, we use a system of superscripts to indicate which Pillars relate to which learning outcome: 

  • Computational Thinking → CT
  • Human-Centered Design → HCD
  • Inclusive Collaboration → IC
  • Impacts and Ethics → IE


Impacts and Ethics Inclusive Collaboration Computational Thinking Human-Centered Design Dispositions
  • Discuss issues of privacy related to networks
  • Explore debates related to networks (e.g., Internet as a public utility, net neutrality)
  • Write a press release in response to a data breach
  • Work as a team to conduct a security audit
  • Troubleshoot a network
  • Use decomposition to understand how a system’s components work
  • Understand the psychological aspects of threat reduction
  • Explore the trade-offs between security and usability
  • Leverage curiosity to approach problems from different perspectives
  • Be resourceful in solving networking challenges (e.g., reference documentation)
Reimagining CS Pathways: High School and Beyond