
Key Recommendations for Future Work

A Path Towards Future Work

A primary objective of the Reimagining CS Pathways project is to formulate recommendations for future work, including recommendations for writers involved in the upcoming CSTA K-12 Standards revision process and those who lead the process of revising Advanced Placement (AP) courses in CS. The following sections delineate recommendations for those specific audiences, as well as others, based on findings from this project and the experiences of those who were involved.

For broad implementation, K-12 students will learn content that is included within their adopted curricula, and this content is defined by the CSTA or state-adopted K-12 standards. Thus, it is critical that the K-12 standards are revised to incorporate the foundational content and recommendations from this project. The following recommendations relate to the structure and design of updated standards:
Recommendations related to the structure and design of updated

A. Learn from states about obstacles and opportunities related to structuring standards based on grade bands versus discrete grade levels.

B. Use relevant research around standards and CS learning to inform design decisions.

C. Write standards in a manner that supports both stand-alone and integrated implementation strategies.

D. Review high-quality standards from other content areas to determine ideal characteristics of updated CSTA standards.

E. Compare current CSTA standards with newer, related frameworks (e.g., cybersecurity) to see what content has withstood the test of time and should be considered foundational.

F. Consider including content limits/boundaries to clarify the level of depth intended by a standard.

G. Write standards that:

i. Explicate connections between Pillars and Topic Areas.

ii. Raise issues of bias early and often.

iii. Address identity and how it shapes bias.

iv. Address accessibility (e.g., learner variability and access to resources) across Topic Areas and progressions.

H. Adopt or create a framework that informs how issues of ethics/bias and social impacts appear in the standards.

I. Indicate when content builds on prior learning or when it does not necessarily require prerequisite knowledge, particularly within high school pathways.

J. Consider how Dispositions might be incorporated into or inform the standards.

Recommendations to support standards implementation and increase usability

A. Create a progression document similar to the existing CSTA progression document for an easily digestible version of the standards z.

B. Curate and/or develop standards-aligned lesson and assessment exemplars
(e.g., pre-/post-assessments, project-based units, high-quality integration).

C. Develop standards rubrics for evaluating the level of alignment between curricula and new standards.

D. If using a grade band structure, develop an ideal vertical progression within the grade bands (e.g., within the K-2 grade band, differentiate what a particular standard should look like in Kindergarten versus Grade 1 versus Grade 2).

E. Create guidance on standards implementation for a variety of users (e.g., teacher, building principal, state department of education) with a particular focus on equitable and flexible implementation.

F. Crosswalk updated standards with the CSTA K-12 Standards, 2017 (Seehorn et al., 2017) and other relevant frameworks and standards (e.g., Common Core State Standards (Common Core State Standards Initiative, n.d.), Next Generation Science Standards (Next Generation Science Standards, 2013), Advanced Placement coursework).

G. Curate a list of pedagogical approaches and planning strategies intended to underpin standards implementation (e.g., inquiry-based instruction; Universal Design for Learning (UDL); PRIMM (Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, Make); Use, Modify, Create).

H. Offer guidance on how to leverage standards to engage student populations that have been traditionally underrepresented in computing (e.g., culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy (Kapor Center, 2021).

I. Identify best practices for building, supporting, and reinforcing Dispositions through standards implementation.

J. Create a glossary where terminology in the standards is explicitly defined.

K. Provide guidance on effective and equitable assessment practices in CS, including considerations for how educators assess CS learning in an age of AI.

The College Board offers a well-established way for high school students to earn college credit, offering a bridge from high school to college-level learning. ACM, IEEE, and AAAI have jointly created many versions of the ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Computer Science Curricula (Kumar et al., 2024) that describes the content that they recommend be covered in computer science, with the latest being released in 2023. When reimagining CS pathways for high school students, the roles of College Board, ACM, IEEE, and AAAI are important to consider, including how the proposed foundational Topic Areas, Pillars, and Dispositions might impact both.

Recommendations for College Board

A. Align AP CS Principles with (or make it inclusive of) the foundational content, as delineated in Section 2. Add the following content to the AP CSP course framework
to ensure that all foundational content exists within the AP CSP course:

i. Preparation for the Future (e.g., careers alignment, emerging technologies)

ii. Inclusion of AI: e.g., traditional vs. AI/ML algorithms, prompt engineering

iii. Hardware and software, including troubleshooting

iv. Additional cybersecurity content

v. Greater focus on ethics and impacts

B. Include assessment items related to Ethical and Social Implications of Computing Systems to ensure that this content is actually taught in classrooms in AP CSA.
(This is an existing topic in the course framework but is not included in the exam.)

C. Consider developing an AP course focused on the impacts and ethics of computing. Such an exam would elevate this critical area of knowledge and would encourage students to pursue learning in this area. It could include the following areas:

i. Recognize the ethical implications of design decisions.

ii. Understand the societal impacts of computing technologies
(e.g., social networks, facial recognition).

iii. Be able to articulate arguments for and against various policies and laws related to computing (e.g., net neutrality, limits on children’s use of social media).

iv. Appropriately provide attribution for code that was produced by others or found in various resources.

D. Include items to authentically assess inclusive collaboration, focusing on the practice of inclusiveness on software development teams and developing software that meets the needs of all users, including the need to:

i. Accommodate a variety of identities and perspectives, including from those with disabilities and from different cultural backgrounds.

ii. Advocate for the needs of others.

iii. Design and develop with accessibility in mind.

E. Consider developing courses beyond AP CSA as content is pushed down to earlier grades.

F. More broadly consider treating the computing field like the science field. There are many areas of computing (like cybersecurity and artificial intelligence) and consider AP exams for subfields (like science has for physics, chemistry, biology). 

G. Partner with ACM to 1) define the scope and sequence for what is commonly referred
to as “CS0” and 2) provide guidance on how postsecondary institutions can provide course credit for AP CS Principles.

Recommendations for ACM, IEEE, and AAAI

A.   Delineate CS Curriculum (e.g., CS2023) content for early CS major courses (e.g., CS1, CS2), to better support vertical alignment with K-12 content.

B.   Embed in future CS Curricula and develop guidance to teach ethics and impacts of computing content throughout, especially within early CS coursework (e.g., CS1, CS2). This course content would elevate a critical area of knowledge and would encourage students to pursue learning in this area. It could include the following areas:

i. Recognize the ethical implications of design decisions.

ii. Understand the societal impacts of computing technologies (e.g., social networks, facial recognition).

iii. Be able to articulate arguments for and against various policies and laws related to computing (e.g., net neutrality, limits on children’s use of social media).

iv. Appropriately provide attribution for code that was produced by others or found in various resources.

C.   Embed in future CS Curricula and develop guidance to teach inclusive collaboration throughout, especially within early CS coursework (e.g., CS1, CS2), focusing on the practice of inclusiveness on software development teams and developing software that meets the needs of all users, including the need to:

i. Accommodate a variety of identities and perspectives, including from those with disabilities and from different cultural backgrounds.

ii. Advocate for the needs of others.

iii. Design and develop with accessibility in mind.

D.   Consider removing the discreteness around how course content can be delivered (maybe creating innovative pathways for achieving the desired learning outcomes).

E.   Consider how new students are increasingly holding knowledge introduced in K-12 about computer science and how that might impact CS1 (Ko et al., 2024).

F.    Partner with the College Board to 1) define the scope and sequence for what is commonly referred to as “CS0” and 2) provide guidance on how postsecondary institutions can provide course credit for AP CS Principles.

G.   Partner with K-12 educators in the next curriculum revision.

There are many roles that K-12 educators play, and we defined recommendations across these various roles. For example, teachers who teach CS can participate in ongoing professional learning (formal or informal), focusing on the foundational CS content. Counselors can reference the various pathways and linked careers to help guide students and develop their interest in CS.
Role Recommendations
CS Teachers
  1. Advocate to teach the foundational CS content to all students.
  2. Recommend, and advocate for, new pathways and courses that align with student interests and community needs.
  3. Participate in ongoing professional learning.
  4. Ensure selected curriculum aligns with reimagined CS and related standards.
  5. Connect students, particularly those from marginalized communities, to out-of-school learning opportunities and enrichment programs.
  6. Connect with the larger CS teacher community (locally, through CSTA, or other professional organizations) for support, learning, and collaboration.
Teachers of Subject Areas Outside of CS
  1. Identify opportunities to integrate or reinforce foundational CS knowledge and skills, in collaboration with other teachers.
  2. Connect students to out-of-school learning opportunities and enrichment programs, particularly historically marginalized students.
  3. Participate in ongoing professional learning.
  4. Connect with the larger CS teacher community (locally, through CSTA, or other professional organizations) for support, learning, and collaboration.
Instructional Coaches
  1. Develop strong familiarity and fluency with K-12 CS standards and the CSTA Standards for Teachers.
  2. Deepen understanding of how to support CS teachers (e.g., reference the CS coaching toolkit).
  3. Participate in ongoing professional learning.
  4. Encourage, engage, and empower all teachers to teach CS.
  5. Support collaboration between CS and non-CS teachers.
  6. Connect with the larger CS teacher community (locally, through CSTA, or other professional organizations) for support, learning, and collaboration.
  1. Learn more about CS by observing CS classes, talking with CS teachers, and attending professional development (such as Counselors 4 Computing).
  2. Examine biases for who “belongs in CS,” and develop understanding of the impact of bias and stereotype threat and how it impacts student advisement.
  3. Ensure no (intentional or unintentional) gatekeeping of those who are ready to take CS.
  4. Identify and eliminate barriers to students taking CS.
  5. Introduce/reinforce CS as a subject for all students.
  6. Work to help parents navigate CS misconceptions.
  7. Review/troubleshoot course scheduling (e.g., ensure English learners, students with disabilities, students in AVID, and students in band/orchestra are able to take CS).
  8. Participate in ongoing professional learning.
  9. Connect with the larger CS teacher community (locally, through CSTA, or other professional organizations) for support, learning, and collaboration.
Administrators (e.g., Principals, CTE directors)
  1. Communicate CS initiatives with families and community members.
  2. Ensure that all students learn the foundational CS content.
  3. Practice shared decision-making with teachers when selecting curriculum resources, determining course offerings, etc.
  4. Select and/or develop relevant new CS pathways and courses that align with student interests and community needs.
  5. Participate in ongoing professional learning.
  6. Build enough familiarity with CS content to oversee implementation (e.g., understand CS beyond coding). Means of building familiarity may include attending professional development (PD), talking with a CS teacher, reviewing CS standards, and observing CS classes.
  7. Allocate resources (funding, time for PD, materials) to support CS.
  8. Align new or existing CTE programs of study to related/relevant content progressions. .
  9. Connect with the larger CS teacher community (locally, through CSTA, or other professional organizations) for support, learning, and collaboration.
Curriculum providers and PD providers play a crucial role in providing learning experiences and teaching strategies for teachers. Similarly, preservice teaching faculty in schools of education share a role in developing the knowledge and skills of preservice teachers.



Curriculum Providers

  1. Develop both discrete and integrated curricula that align to the foundational CS content, including Dispositions and Pillars. In particular, include content related to:
    1. Ethics and impacts of computing
    2. Inclusive collaboration
  2. Develop advanced curricula that align to content progressions and example pathways and that integrate the Pillars.

PD Providers

  1. Provide professional learning that supports reimagined CS, the foundational CS content, and example pathways (e.g., develop content that includes emerging areas, fosters Dispositions, integrates with other subject areas, and/or fosters an inclusive classroom environment). In particular, include content related to:
    1. Ethics and impacts of computing
    2. Inclusive collaboration

School of Education Faculty

  1. Develop faculty’s knowledge and skills related to K-12 CS education, particularly as the foundational content and revised standards are implemented.
  2. Develop or update programs to prepare K-12 CS teachers that align to the revised CSTA K-12 Standards including relevant pedagogical content knowledge. (See CSTA’s Schools of Education Guidance.)
  3. Include foundational CS content in required coursework.
  4. Support preservice teachers of all disciplines in understanding connections between CS and their primary discipline (and how they might integrate CS into their instruction).
Policymakers and funders are unique audiences that play a strategic role in building the capacity for K-12 CS education. With respect to the standards work, we offer some recommendations for each in the below table.




  1. Adopt policies to ensure universal learning of the foundational CS content as defined in Section 2 (e.g., graduation requirement).
  2. Learn more about CS as a K-12 discipline (e.g., CS is more than coding, AI is a part of CS, ethics and impacts are taught alongside technical content).
  3. Use student access, participation, and achievement data to inform additional policy related to ensuring all students are able to learn CS and related to implementation of curriculum.
  4. Adopt policies that are specifically related to ethics in computing and AI as content to be taught.
  5. Consider policies around preservice teacher preparation in CS.
  6. Invest in teacher PD and capacity building for implementing foundational CS content and pathways that incorporate the foundational high school CS content.


  1. Fund curriculum and PD programs that align to this vision of reimagining CS (e.g., providing universal learning of the foundational high school CS content) and that prioritize equity.
  2. Support strong local CS ecosystems by fostering collaboration among schools, informal learning opportunities, institutions of higher learning, researchers, and nonprofits.
  3. Fund initiatives that support the integration of ethics in computing and AI into CS curriculum.
While updated standards and AP course frameworks were of primary interest throughout this project, it will take action from a broader swath of the CS education community to bring the vision of this project to fruition. The following table outlines a set of recommendations for ideal action by additional roles within the CS education community.




Consider answering research questions related to the revised standards, including:

  1. How do the revised standards impact participation among all students, including historically marginalized groups and students with disabilities?
  2. How can the ethics and impacts of computing content be assessed in K-12 classrooms?
  3. How can the proposed Dispositions be integrated into and assessed in K-12 classrooms?
  4. What effective teaching strategies align with the revised standards? What student populations do they support?
  5. What learning progressions have been developed to incorporate the revised standards and how do they impact student learning?
  6. What are impactful ways to integrate instruction that simultaneously meet the revised standards and the standards of the other disciplinary subject?
  7. How do the revised standards compare to current state standards?
  8. How have the revised standards been adopted by states? 
  9. How have the revised standards impacted policy, teacher certifications, teacher training, etc.?
  10. What are unique ways in which various schools incorporate the revised standards?
  11. What gaps still exist in the revised standards?

Higher Education CS Faculty

  1. In postsecondary contexts, develop and implement pedagogies that foster scaffolded, inclusive, collaborative, and relevant instruction, aligned to the vision of reimagining CS.
  2. Develop vertical K-16 alignment with local school districts and organizations.
  3. Align entry-level postsecondary courses with advanced content in the high school CS content progressions, including through dual enrollment.
  4. Update credit or placement policies to reflect the growing CS experience among incoming students (e.g., add AP credit/placement policies, create placement exams), while at the same time making it possible for students who do not have prior CS experience to pursue CS in college.


  1. Develop additional certifications for students that are aligned to the CS content progressions and example pathways.
  2. Support career exploration (e.g., through guest speaking) and work-based learning (e.g., through mentoring, on-site training, job shadowing) in local schools.
  3. Develop paid internship or apprenticeship programs for students and teachers.


  1. Foster confidence and encourage creativity with CS. Ask questions about what your children are learning and encourage them to take CS. Encourage them to think about how CS is connected to their personal and/or career interests.
  2. Advocate for CS instruction in your schools.