Equity Considerations

Key Recommendations for Future Work

Centering Equity

Throughout its history, CS and CS education have not been representative of the broader population. Underrepresented groups include girls and nonbinary students, students who identify as LGBTQ+, economically disadvantaged students, students from various racial/ethnic backgrounds, students with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, multilingual learners, migrant students, and students living in rural communities.
African American students working on laptop

For purposes of this project, we define equity
following Madkins et al. (2020, p.3):

“Working towards equity means supporting minoritized students in:

1) engaging in meaningful and rigorous instruction;

2) grappling with and challenging systemic racism, power, and oppression; and

3) using STEM and CS to empower themselves and their communities.

As such, equity is defined as intentionally facilitating justice-oriented learning experiences for minoritized students. This requires viewing teaching and learning as inseparable from pursuing justice while attending to students’ access to rigorous instruction and equitable outcomes.”

In contrast, CSTA’s vision is for all students to be supported in learning CS, including those from groups that have historically been marginalized in computing. As a result, equity was a central focus throughout the articulation of foundational content and resulting pathways. For example, the inclusion of a sense of belonging as a Disposition reflects the importance of its cultivation for persistence in computing – and recognition that students from minoritized backgrounds often face barriers in developing that sense. Similarly, the emphasis on Inclusive Collaboration as a Pillar reflects the importance of creating a computing culture that fosters equity.
We also attempted to center equity in the process used by this project; we strove to create a participant group that reflected diversity across several dimensions: demographic, expertise, role, and geography. Another key factor in participant selection was experience in supporting students with diverse identities and backgrounds. See the full report for more information on project participants.

Equity Considerations for the Foundational CS Content

In planning how to implement the foundational CS content, educators and leaders can ensure all students’ needs are met by considering the following equity-related issues:
 It has often been the case that high school CS standards, curricula, pathways, and programs focused, at least implicitly, on preparing students to study computing in college and then to work in the tech or related industry. In contrast, the foundational content is focused on the experiences of all high school students – only a tiny fraction of whom will specialize (e.g., major) in computing as part of postsecondary education. Thus, the foundational CS content is designed to support the future needs of all students, not just those who will continue to formally study computing. It prepares all members of society to understand the issues related to computing that are necessary for navigating life in the middle of the twenty-first century.

Decision-makers can think systematically about designing CS learning experiences that support all students, including those traditionally marginalized in CS education. They may find tools such as the CAPE Framework (Fletcher & Warner, 2021) helpful, thinking of CS equity in terms of capacity to offer CS, student access to CS, student participation in CS, and student experience in CS. Or, they might use the approach articulated by Santo et al. (2019), which focuses on asking who CS is for, how CS is taught, and what CS is taught. Additionally, the Alliance for Identity-Inclusive Computing Education (AiiCE) delineates tenets for curriculum, pedagogy, professional development, policy, and research that supports increasing the representation, power, and protection of marginalized people in CS (AiiCE, n.d.).

About 15% of students in the U.S. have a disability (National Center for Education Statistics, 2023), and it is unfortunately common to pull out students with disabilities for specialized services during CS instruction (Blaser et al., 2024). It is crucial to design a foundational CS experience that is accessible and appropriate for students with disabilities (Moreno Sandoval et al., 2021). Similarly, especially where CS is a graduation requirement, it is important for schools to ensure that all students have access to the foundational content.

Developing access opportunities for students who enter a school system at a point after the foundational content is taught is crucial. For example, a district that covers some of the foundational content in middle school will need to ensure opportunities for those students who transfer into the district in high school. And while some schools may want to create opportunities for students to learn the foundational content outside of the school day, it is important to ensure that there are alternatives for students who are unable to access out-of-school opportunities (e.g., due to cost, transportation).

While AP CSP significantly overlaps with the foundation (see Section 2.6), it must be supplemented to include all foundational content. Additionally, schools must offer options beyond only AP CS Principles (or IB Computer Science, or other advanced options) as a way to learn the foundation. This is due to both real and perceived challenges with taking AP courses (e.g., belief that one can succeed in a college-level course, breadth content and pace of content, cost of exam).

Dispositions are a key component of equitable CS education, and those involved with making decisions about what and how to teach foundational content can intentionally incorporate them into their curriculum. As described in Section 2.3, research shows over and over again that a sense of belonging in CS is a key determinant in students’ interest in continuing to study CS, and sense of belonging often differs by demographic group.

While pedagogy is beyond the scope of this project, there are some instructional methods that are more welcoming to students traditionally left out of CS education, and schools can ensure that educators have access to professional development that prepares them to teach according to these best practices. For example, research has shown that girls will, on average, find activities that use computing for storytelling more motivating than generic activities (Kelleher et al., 2007). Similarly, educational leaders will need to carefully attend to the climate in their CS courses since the elimination of stereotypically “geeky” elements has been shown to encourage more students to study computing (Cheryan et al., 2015). The foundational content can be taught in ways that are culturally relevant (Ladson‐Billings, 1995), culturally sustaining (Paris, 2012), and culturally responsive (Scott et al., 2015). The framework for Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Computer Science Education (Kapor Center, 2021) from the Kapor Center is a useful resource. In short, classroom activities can be created so that they relate to student interests and life experiences (Madkins et al., 2020).

Note that while equity is not explicitly mentioned in every item in each Topic Area, it is presumed that all topics are to be implemented in an equitable manner and that equitable CS requires a critical approach to CS content. For example, one of the learning outcomes in the Algorithms Topic Area is “AL.2 – Recognize that computational solutions take in information, store and process it, and produce a result.” Part of this recognition includes learning to challenge the common understanding that an algorithm itself cannot be racist (Madkins et al., 2020).

Equity Considerations for CS Pathways

When designing implementation pathways, educators and leaders must consider many implications for promoting educational equity, including flexibility, resource limitations, and program alignment.
Flexibility in implementation better supports students who, for example, move into a school district in the middle of high school to participate in the pathway. Flexibility is also useful for students who choose to change pathways, have differing prior experience, extend learning outside of school, or complete self-guided learning. Further, pathways can be created to accommodate a variety of postsecondary plans, including not just higher education but also industry certifications, direct entry into the workforce, and military service. And pathways can be created to accommodate students with a range of prior experience – including no prior experience – in CS, as well as a range of prior math knowledge and English language fluency.
While highly resourced schools may be able to implement a wide variety of CS pathways and options, students in other types of schools may have fewer opportunities to exercise choice in what CS content to study. Education leaders can make every effort to ensure that resources are available to implement appropriate CS pathways that meet student interests, their community needs, and available resources. Innovative solutions may need to be implemented to overcome barriers specific to rural and urban contexts (e.g., teacher sharing programs, transportation for after-school programs).
Course offerings are often connected to teacher certification/credentialing requirements, which may limit a school’s ability to offer specific courses. For example, high school CS courses are often classified as either CTE or traditional academic courses. In some states, dual coding is permitted, and in others, it is not. Offering CTE courses may qualify schools for Perkins V funding to support software, hardware/equipment, curricular materials, teacher professional development, and hiring of new teachers and administrators for up to three years. Opportunities for postsecondary credit (e.g., dual enrollment) and placement in advanced coursework (e.g., after passing AP exams) may be limited by students’ ability to pay for college credits, exams, and certifications. Finally, communities place differing priorities on higher education versus certifications, which will impact schools’ selection of programs. Developing access opportunities for students who enter a school system at a point after the foundational content is taught is crucial. For example, a district that covers some of the foundational content in middle school will need to ensure opportunities for those students who transfer into the district in high school. And while some schools may want to create opportunities for students to learn the foundational content outside of the school day, it is important to ensure that there are alternatives for students who are unable to access out-of-school opportunities (e.g., due to cost, transportation). While AP CSP significantly overlaps with the foundation (see Section 2.6), it must be supplemented to include all foundational content. Additionally, schools must offer options beyond only AP CS Principles (or IB Computer Science, or other advanced options) as a way to learn the foundation. This is due to both real and perceived challenges with taking AP courses (e.g., belief that one can succeed in a college-level course, breadth content and pace of content, cost of exam).

CS teachers identify a lack of support, interest, or knowledge by administrators and counselors as one of the greatest challenges to teaching and promoting equity in CS education (Koshy et al., 2022). Those who schedule courses have a tremendous impact on student participation. For example, misunderstandings lead counselors and administrators to not suggest or recommend CS to students with disabilities (Blaser et al., 2024). It is critical that educators view CS as foundational for all students and support them in pursuing relevant pathways of study.

Choosing names for CS courses has been identified as a promising practice for encouraging students from traditionally underrepresented groups to pursue computing (Arnston, 2016). At the same time, there is often a tension between choosing names that are familiar to most students (e.g., “Game Design”) and choosing names that may be more appealing to students less likely to fit stereotypes about who CS is for (e.g., “Interactive Media”). Regardless of the name chosen, it is important to ensure that courses appeal widely and that all students, teachers, administrators, and counselors understand what the courses offer.

Reimagining CS Pathways: High School and Beyond