Authors & Participants
Working Towards a Common Goal
Authors and Leadership

Bryan Twarek (Principal Investigator)
Jake Koressel (Project Manager)

Dr. Monica McGill (Co-Principal Investigator)
Dr. Julie Smith (Researcher)
Steering Committee

Bryan Twarek
VP of Education & Research

Dr. Tom Cortina
Association for Computing Machinery, Education Board & Advisory Committee

Dr. Jamila Cocchiola
6-12 Curriculum Product Manager

Jocelyn Nguyen-Reed
Director, IT Pathways

Dr. Leigh Ann DeLyser
Executive Director

Sarah Dunton
Advisory Board
Dr. Adrienne Decker
Associate Professor, University at Buffalo
Deborah Seehorn
Past Chair, CSTA Board of Directors & Standards Revision Task Force
Delmar Wilson
Teacher, Miami Springs Senior High School
Convening Participants
- Julie Alano, High School CS Teacher and Department Chair, Hamilton Southeastern High School, Fisher, IN
- Cathy Ammirati, STEM Outreach Manager, Micron, Boise, ID
- Dr. Owen Astrachan, Professor of the Practice, Duke University, Durham, NC
- Quiana Bannerman, Instructional Supervisor – CTE, Prince George’s County Public Schools, White Plains, MD
- Kris Beck, Director of CS, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, IL
- Dr. Mohsen Beheshti, CS Department Chair, California State University, Carson, CA
- Darlene Bowman, Founder and CS Teacher, AusomeTech Industries, Staten Island, NY
- Dr. Quinn Burke, Sr. Director of Computational Thinking Research, Digital Promise, San Francisco, CA
- Maria Camarena, CS Teacher, Maywood Center for Enriched Studies, Maywood, CA
- Justin Cannady, Northern Lights Collaborative for Computing Education, Birmingham, AL
- Cindi Chang, Director of Teaching and Learning, Nevada DOE, Las Vegas, NV
- Dr. Terry Coatta, Practitioners Board Chair, Association of Computing Machinery, Langley, BC
- Jackie Corricelli, PreK-12 CS Curriculum Specialist and Teacher, West Hartford Public Schools, West Hartford, CT
- Lien Diaz, Director and Sr. Research Associate, Constellations Center for Equity in Computing, Atlanta, GA
- Becca Dovi, Chief CS Advocate, CodeVA, Richmond, VA
- Charlotte Dungan, Program Architect, Mark Cuban Foundation, Durham, NC
- Rachel Fenichel, Engineering Manager, Google, San Francisco, CA
- Sara Frey, State Lead for K-12 CS Education, Pennsylvania DOE, Harrisburg, PA
- Crystal Furman, Director of Java in Education, Oracle, Snellville, GA
- Laura Gray, AI and CS Instructional Specialist, Gwinnett County Public Schools, Athens, GA
- Dr. Christopher Harris, School Library System Director, Genesee Valley BOCES, LeRoy, NY
- Wren Hoffman, Professional Development Lead, aiEDU, Timnath, CO
- Dr. Sean Jackson, K-12 CS Lead, Kentucky DOE, Frankfort, KY
- David Lockett, K-12 Outreach and Federal Programs Manager, Meharry School of Applied Computational Sciences, Nashville, TN
- Dr. Michelle Magallanez, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Innovation, AVID,
San Diego, CA - Dr. Janice Mak, Clinical Assistant Professor, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- Dr. Laura Malavé, College of CS and IT Faculty, St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg, FL
- Dr. Amanda Mason-Singh, Principal Data Scientist, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA
- Sofia Mohammed, Executive Director, Raspberry Pi Foundation – North America, Madison, MS
- Angela Oechslie, Director of Project Login, Educate Maine, Bangor, ME
- Yolanda Payne, Research Associate, Georgia Tech, Northeast Georgia, GA
- Dr. Rafi Santo, Principal Researcher, Telos Learning, New York, NY
- Dr. Allison Scott, CEO, Kapor Foundation, Oakland, CA
- Dr. Adam Smeets, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft, Chicago, IL
- Carla Strickland, Digital Curriculum Develop- ment Manager, UChicago, Chicago, IL
- Cat Tabor, CS Teacher, Canutillo Independent School District, El Paso, TX
- Brett Tanaka, CS Education Specialist, Hawaii DOE, Honolulu, HI
- Amy Traylor, CS Program Development Specialist, Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque, NM
- Dr. John Underwood, STEM Specialist, Louisiana Department of Education, Baton Rouge, LA
- Thomas Wang, High School CS Teacher, LGSUHSD, Bay Area, CA
- Perla Weaver, Associate Professor, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
- Lavita Williams, CS Specialist, Georgia DOE, Atlanta, GA
We acknowledge the many participants who added valuable insights to the project via focus groups and interviews. These contributors include those who had recently completed high school, high school teachers, higher education faculty, and those who work in tech-related industry positions. We also thank Microsoft for hosting our first participant convening and the DO-IT Center for auditing the website and report for accessibility. For a complete list of all participants, including guest speakers, National Science Foundation contributors, and staff support, download the complete Reimagining CS report.